Thursday, May 11, 2006


I used to call Nanna a 'vacation dad' for a long time. During the rage that comes naturally to rebellious adolescents and the confusion of young adulthood, my father watched me use him as my 'personal thumping machine'. I've said horrible things to him, I've disrespected him, I've dishonored him and I've called him a lazy coward. He has borne my wrath with quiet dignity and a love that is much beyond what a father is normally believed to be capable of.

He is the man who has taught me about forbearance, loyalty toward people you love and what it is to sacrifice your life for the sake of your family. He has weathered 14 years of aching solitude for his family's comfortable lifestyle. When I think back to the things daddy has done for me, I can only see this mountain of support and love he has provided me.

He is a man of great integrity. He has never told a lie, silently bore the ridicule from stupid people, has had the utmost patience with Mom and I, knows when to have a good laugh and has not once made mention of the fact that I've spent so much of his hard earned money. I ran away from my first master's programme and he hasn't uttered a word of the large price he had to pay due to my ambivalence.

Encouraging. Honest. Faithful. Spiritual. Wise. Smart. Strong. Always open to change. That's what my father is. I can never thank god enough for this great father. This man who has goaded me to do what I want to do, who has allowed me to discover myself, gave me the space I needed, not once has dishonored my right to secrecy and has kept me always intellectually stimulated. When I broke down and told him about my sexual assault, he absorbed the horror of it with character. When he discovered my 'naughty habits', he didn't stop me..only counselled me. He helped me find my own ground. He has helped me stand my own ground.

He is the friend that every child should have in atleast one parent. He is the parent that every child should be able to talk to uninhibitedly. He is the guide that every child should find in their parent. He is the love that every child needs to experience.

2 Feelings:

Blogger Φ felt this way...

"He is the friend that every child should have in atleast one parent. He is the parent that every child should be able to talk to uninhibitedly. He is the guide that every child should find in their parent. He is the love that every child needs to experience."

Wonderfully said..

7:22 PM  
Blogger Urvashi felt this way...

Hmmm... You are lucky aren't you? It may sound horrible, but I cannot say much about my own dad!

11:57 AM  

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